Sunday, April 24, 2011

Almost done!

The patio project is almost complete! On Friday, Audrey and I hit up the local home/garden store one last time and then went over to her house so she could show me how to plant my boxes. Audrey is a great teacher! She had my thumbs green by the time I left her house!

After picking up the boys from school, I went out into the garage to work on my plant shelf. Audrey gave me this very shabby chic leaf shelf. It was originally white, but had weathered from being outside. I was going to paint it a tropical blue color. I wanted a color that would pop on my beige patio, but that would also compliment the succulents that will be placed on it. After two coats, it was complete and I absolutely LOVED the color. It was exactly what I wanted.

So now came the fun part of putting everything in its place. The shelf with the succulents fit perfectly in its spot. It adds so much color and life to a dull patio. My boxes are up on the ledge of the patio, a star jasmine is on the floor to distract from the ugly AC unit, and I have a pretty tropical plant on the table. My Friday garden day was complete!

Here are some pictures that I got from Audrey's backyard:

This is my Freesia. It finally opened the day we went to plant it!


  1. Love the flowers and how the raggedy white frame unifies the set.

  2. Very pretty! I like the fuchsia! (that last one is a fuchsia, isn't it?)

  3. Ooh and I like your comment font too!
