Monday, April 18, 2011

Flower Power

So wow, what a difference a day makes! We had a beautiful, warm weekend, and yet Monday is full of gloom and mist. That's alright though because I got together with my friend Audrey and we went flower shopping! Flowers can brighten any day!

We are moving along on the patio project and today I picked up some new additions. We will do all the planting on Friday, so by this weekend, my patio should be all decked out!

In the meantime, I brought along my camera on our shopping trip. I never realized that the local home/garden store would be a good place to get pictures. I always went looking at the park and on trails. What was I thinking! Here are some shots I got today:

I also want to share some pictures I did get yesterday at the park:

I finally got a good bee shot!

So with all these flowers to look at, today's gloom couldn't get me down! Now the construction on the street outside where we live, now that is a whole other story!!


  1. Wow, what fabulous colors. We are still buried in snow here in Alaska. So, this is a nice change of scenery for me! :) What a great idea bring your camera flower shopping!

  2. Gorgeous pictures - and I have to say, the Farmer's Market is a spectacular place for pictures.
