Thursday, April 7, 2011

Let's Get Physical

Well ok, no one was getting physical, but my oldest had a physical. Since he will be starting 7th grade (already?) in the Fall, he needed to get updated shots. I figured since he hasn't been seen for a while, why not do a full check-up. Good thing is, he is a healthy, growing boy. He is just about off the charts on height/weight for his age. He is catching up quickly to me, I'm 5'8 and he is 5'5. It is hard to believe that almost 12 years ago this big kid fit inside my tummy! So after getting his physical, we got the news that he needed 4 shots! (We came for just the one required for school.) Well he is a trooper and handled them all well. Must be that tough guy he has grown into. Then again, he wasn't too tough for his 3 Snoopy and 1 Tweety Bird band aids.

So here I caught my big guy watching tv afterwards. He doesn't like it when I bring my camera out and chase him with it. He lets his younger brother do all the "mom modeling."

Lastly I will end with a picture of my big guy back when we has 1. It's crazy to think that he was ever this little!


  1. They grow so fast. I blinked while my baby boy was in middle school and before I knew it he was 6 foot looking down on me. And keeping the kid in shoes - forgetaboutit!

  2. None of the kids in my family tolerate my camera any more either. I need a super zoom so they don't know I'm getting them.

  3. I feel like it's slipping away too fast! My oldest is 11 and I'm right there with ya!

  4. Cute bandaids!! Handsome boy!

  5. Amazing how quickly they grow, isn't it? Junior high is such a big step! Love the bandaids!
